About the event
The date is Thursday the 15th of May in the Titanic Conference Centre, Belfast.
CIWM NI and Recycle NI, as partners in The Northern Ireland Waste & Resource Management Conference, were delighted with last year’s event in The Europa Hotel in Belfast but we are thrilled to be heading back to The Titanic Conference Centre for this year’s event on May 15th. We had over 250 delegates both from the private and public sectors, fantastic sponsorship support from RiverRidge, A&L Goodbody, Beauparc, LARAC, WRAP, DAERA and Bailey Waste and 20 exhibitors. Many of last year’s sponsors and exhibitors have already reconfirmed as well for the 2025. Our aim this year is to make The Northern Ireland Waste & Resource Management Conference unmissable and the most important and largest waste and resource management event in Belfast, focusing on sustainability, the circular economy and all matters relating to how we can transition to a more efficient and environmentally friendly waste management sector.

For Delegate Bookings, Group Discounts, Sponsorship or Exhibition Packages
Please contact the Conference Director, Adrian Hopkins
00 353 1 2811111
00 353 87 6811830